Friday, October 29, 2010

Let's Get Started

Let's think for a moment. About all the ideas in the world. Pick your favorite: political movements? Social movements? Religious movements? The formation of countries, kingdoms, even continents? The people within them? Scientific theories?

Sure, we test the ideas. Make inferences. Propose theories. Maybe nobody can prove you wrong. Maybe they can. Maybe they already have.

The fact of the matter is that our ideas are only as strong as the inferences we place them on. Some are solid inferences. Like numbers. Basic human rights and ideas, not to enslave other humans. Do not take advantage of people sexually. Colors. Red, blue, green, orange. These are examples of concepts I do not wish to talk about. I feel that we know and understand these already. Instead of talking about them, let's make these concepts something more...

...and use them as ground work for ideas that do not contain these concepts normally. Like abortions. Religion. Government structure. Consuming animals. Our rights. But let's use those concepts and remove a linear form from them. Lets turn them three-dimensional. Let there be no straight-forward answer. Let us understand that the answer does not exist...

...and that answers to these questions are not laws. They are not statutes, an amendment, an additional Bible testament. They aren't a new spiritual movement or fad diet. They're literally radioactive thoughts. Ideas, that no matter how much mass of concepts and inferences you base them upon, it just keeps breaking down. Keeps blowing up in your face. The side you chose on the matter literally falls apart right as you... "crawl into it".

Typically when you encounter these ideas, you realize you're no longer assessing a problem. You're defending yourself. Your pride. The philosophical basis you've founded your whole life upon. You manage to take the argument and make it about yourself. Now you've encountered your problem. That's why arguments like those will never be solved.

Let's take abortions for an example. Anti-Abortionists say that we have no right to take a life. Pro-Abortionists say that it is the woman's choice what she wants to do with her body.

Do you already see the problem with these two sides? I'm not going to explain it, just look at it. Try and understand why there will NEVER be headway, why a majority will never be heard, regardless of who ends up passing that law. That statute. That fad diet.

 This is one of the ideas I hope we can spread with this blog, to inspire a new train of thought, to perhaps look at some of these things differently. And I will do it from behind a computer desk at 17 years old. Everything you're going to read above this post is just me... growing up.

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